seascape models

PhD projects on marine conservation and ecosystem modelling available

Current June 2023

Our lab uses quantitative tools, including statistics, AI and numerical models, to help conservation managers address a range of issue facing marine ecosystems. Below are two current projects where we are recruiting students.

Chris can support students to pursue their own research questions related to the topics above, or email Chris to discuss project ideas.

Project suggestion: Conserving fish nursery habitats to support sustainable fisheries

Little is known about fish nursery habitats in Tasmania, especially seagrass, mudflats and soft-sediment ecosystems. Yet, these habitats support significant recreational and cultural fisheries. This project will involve a combination of field-work and modelling aimed at quantifying the value of nursery habitats and informing on their management. Email Chris ( for more information. PhD and honours projects available.

Project suggestion: Conservation and restoration of coastal habitats

Work with the team on Global Wetlands Project to help solve pressing challenges for conservation of coastal wetland habitats. PhD and Honours projects available to work on these habitats that are globally important for climate mitigation, biodiversity and fisheries. Email Chris ( for more information. PhD and honours projects available.

Criteria for potential PhD applicants

Please consider the below criteria before contacting us. We will not be considering students for applications that do not meet these criteria, because they will not be competitive for funded positions.

Our primary research methods are modelling tools. Potential applicants should have either experience in quantiative methods like R, or a very strong desire to learn more quantitative skills. Chris does not supervise projects that are primarily field or lab based, except as cosupervisor with other group leaders.

Our students come with training in a diverse range of fields, including field ecology, maths and IT. Our lab group is outstanding at supporting quantitative training and current PhD students have ample opportunities to learn quantitative skills by working with their peers, postdoctoral researchers, Chris and through specialized training courses.

Australian students

Australian citizens and permanent residents should have been awarded a 1st Class Honours degree or equivalent (e.g. Masters by research) in a relevant field.

International students

International applicants must have been awarded a 1st Class Honours degree or equivalent (e.g. Masters with a 40 credit point research thesis) in a relevant field. They must be lead author on at least one publication in an internationally recognized peer-reviewed journal. To be considered, journals should be internationally recognized, for instance they should have an Impact Factor rating from ISI or be listed by Scimago.

Contact: Chris Brown

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